1 Women are also at greater risk for autoimmune rheumatic disorders, which play a role in predisposition and pathogenesis of CVD; further, differential effects of traditional atherosclerotic CVD risk factors have been observed such that the influence of these factors on CV risk is greater in women...
ilutia: Not only to see what's over the creator to inspire him toward a proper representation of the world that Is free of individual prejudicez "Let me raise hilnest and courageous attempts in Canadian writing to grapple with ultimate truth. 0 next hill, but to go where the rest of ...
.With little in commcm beyond their deslre'to be free from ccmstraint, they areemblematicof otherswho have beenravagedfor shaGngthe sameideal. As they talk, they becomeone with an eagle that floats above their heads "riding the wind, resplendent . . . in freedom, playing with it." ...