If you’re wondering how NBDB is going to make money if they don’t charge any fees, it’s important to point out that they will charge you a $100 account fee if you’re account is under $20,000, and that they will make money off currency exchange when you buy stock in US Dolla...
What many people don’t realize is that while a weakening currency vs our most important trading partner (by far) is kind of a drag when it comes to planning holidays or importing goods, it’s incredibly valuable to our companies. Canadian goods and services are effectively getting priced at...
Another comparison point is fees for services like eTransfers, foreign exchange currency transfers, overdraft fees, or fees for automated bill payments. When it comes to our most recommended option of EQ Bank, their combination of low fees and high interest rates just cannot be beat. They’ve ...
aAN OLD beef is again dividing the world of international finance: the spectre of “currency wars”. Jens Weidmann, the head of Germany’s Bundesbank, recently fretted that central-bank efforts to revive flagging economies could lead to an “increasing politicisation of exchange rates”. Bill Gr...
Since it was a Sunday afternoon, the medical consultants and interpreters who would normally be manning these booths were away. Not a huge deterrent to me, since my budget for the week doesn’t exactly include plastic surgery! Also, there’s a KEB currency exchange booth located next to the...
Things will get crazy as some central banks tighten and others keep printing. These currency dislocations could lead to a currency crisis somewhere, but that is hard to predict. In any case, the insanity meter is in the red. WHAT ABOUT GOLD?
currencytrading4profit.com 1-866-866-2474 WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS WITHIN A MARKET THAT CREATES A TOP OR BOTTOM? Dear Traderrrrrr: Think carefully about this question for a moment. Could there possibly be any more important question to a commodity trader, than this one? Give serious thought to ...
assets of any private company were worth even 1% less than its liabilities, then speculators would short the company's stock and profit as the stock fell. If the central bank's assets were worth 1% less than its assets, then speculators would short the currency and profit as ...
exchange and derivative gain was $6 million compared to $3 million in Q1. The benefit was mainly driven by the strong U.S. dollar relative to the RMB. As you know, the majority of our revenues as well as our reporting currency are in U.S. dollars where most of our costs are in ...
In other words, they created more currency/demand deposits with no loan/bond attached increasing the amount of medium of exchange. Also from the beckworth post, see the comments starting with Jazzbumpa about the amount of medium of exchange falling. ...