The Canadian CT Head Rule. By - Indi Maharaj, Lorraine Tosiellodoi:10.1016/S0140-6736(01)06140-2Micelle J HaydelElsevier Ltd.The LancetMicelle JHaydel. (2001) The Canadian CT Head Rule. The Lancet 358 , 1013-1014 /Maharaj I. The Canadian CT head rule. Lancet 2001. 358 1013–1014.1014...
Indication for CCT was according to the “Canadian CT head rules.” Patients with ICB were either submitted for neurosurgical treatment or kept under surveillance for at least 24 hours. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to correlate the incidence of ICB with age, gender, or intake of ...
Kerkeni W, Chebili N, Halila I, Rejeb I, Boukef R, Rekik N, Bouhaja B, Letaief M, Nouira S: Prediction value of the Canadian CT head rule and the New Orleans criteria for positive head CT scan and acute neurosurgical procedures in minor head trauma: a multicenter external validation ...
And be- make the choice to support the Gunfighter shots," when the cur- sides, just cuz a particular shoot very things we care for, even if rent rule was written for safety may not have enough quantity to they don't seem to do things per- and counting reasons. Yes some- fill a ca...
One is the passionate person, the other tries to rule his life with reason. Some characters are one or the other. some. 'war \vlthin themselves whether the mind or the heart rvlll rule. It's an old. old theme.. That novel I had to v&e to learn how to write. I've just fti...
Considering an increase in the life expectancy leading to a rise in the elderly population, it is important to recognize the changes that occur along the process of aging. Gastrointestinal (GI) chang...
volunteered to have an apple shot off her head "by a complete stranger in the circus profession." Ondaatje also recaUs hi brother Chrlstopha piloting a sort of homemade soap box dian Olympic .B&sl& "B"tesm in 1964, \;he.n the Canadian "A" team surprised the world by taking the ...
The Parvez males came from a backward rural town with strict Islamic values and a culture of domestic violence […Aqsa’s] father’s rule was absolute. The women [in Aqsa’s family] wore traditional dress. None went past high school and none worked outside the home. They were completely ...
Comparison of the Canadian CT Heas Rule and the New Orleans Criteria in Patients With Minor Head InjurySmits, MarionDippel, Diederik W Jde Haan, Gijs GDekker, Heleen MVos, Pieter EKool, Digna RNederkoorn, Paul JHofman, Paul a M
‐9. 4. Stiell IG, Wells GA, Vandemheen K, et al. The Canadian CT Head Rule forMaharaj I. The Canadian CT head rule. Lancet 2001;358:1013-14.Haydel MJ. The Canadian CT Head Rule. Lancet. 2001;358:1013- 1014....