Section 182 Criminal CodePublic MoralitySection 182 of the Canadian Criminal Code, though rarely used, ranks as one of the sections that have attained prominence in the Canadian criminal justice systeAdemola Oladimeji OkeowoSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
Provinces in Canada each have their regulator responsible for supervising gambling activities in the online realm. However, the Canadian Criminal Codeprohibits local companies from offering online gambling optionsto Canadians. On the other hand, it doesn't apply to foreign companies. For example, Canad...
CPPCódigo de Processo Penal(Brazilian Code of Criminal Procedure) CPPChronic Pelvic Pain CPPCustom Product Power CPPCorporate Preview Program CPPCordless Phone Profile CPPCertified Privacy Professional CPPControl Plane Policing CPPCollaboration Protocol Profile ...
The Criminal Code of Canada defines what type of gaming activities are illegal in the country and regulates what can and cannot be advertised in one way or another. Each province can advertise local lotteries and games of chance that are operated via online casinos, however, this again depends...
James Lockyer brought a constitutional challenge to the Criminal Code sections under which the two were charged. This February, Justice Thomas McKay of the Ontario Court of Justice found the laws against procuring, advertising and materially benefiting from someone else's sexual services were unconstitu...
has been convicted of a passport offence under theCriminal Code of Canadaor under equivalent legislation outside of Canada; there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the passport must be cancelled in order to prevent the commission of sexual offences against children outside of Canada; or ...
Witness testimony Statutory review of the provisions of the criminal code relating to medical assistance in dying and their application, Ottawa, ON. Accessed 27 Feb 2023. Montreuil, M., Thibeault, C., McHarg, L., & Carnevale,...
Cannabis Act means An Act respecting cannabis and to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, the Criminal Code and other Acts, S.C. 2018, c. 16, as amended from time to time. Legend drug or "prescription drug" means any drug or device that has been determined to be unsafe for ...
Promotional contests (i.e., sweepstakes)in Canada are largely governed by the federalCompetition Act(mandatory disclosures for advertising),Criminal Code(illegal lottery offences under section 206 that must be avoided) and contract law (the terms and conditions between the contest sponsor and entrants...
(ii) to a person or entity identified on a list established under section 83.05 of the Criminal Code (Canada) or in any orders or regulations promulgated under the United Nations Act (Canada), the Special Economic Measures Act...