United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Canadian Commission for UNESCONo Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1007/BF03174659Springer NatureInternational Journal of Early Childhood
Global Citizenship Education in ASPnet Schools: An Ethical Framework for Action A Reflection Paper prepared for the Canadian Commission for UNESCO 来自 钛学术 喜欢 0 阅读量: 11 作者:L Shultz,M Elfert 摘要: This report offers teachers and schools an ethical framework to practice global citizenship,...
“Without the commitment from all party leaders, the Up for Debate campaign pushing for the debate has had alter its plans”, said Ms. Oulton. “A debate would have given much greater visibility to issues like violence against women and women’s economic equality in the election. In lieu of...
-1989:In conjunction with the Prince Of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, Great Canadian (then East Wind Arctic Tours) successfully organized, outfitted and guided theUnited Nations UNESCOteam to Virginia Falls in Nahanni National Park. –1989:We successfully organized, facilitated and guided TV produc...
unesdoc.unesco.org 通过教科文组织和英联邦广播协会科学报告与规划 奖, 加拿 大广 播公 司制作的高质量科学信 息在全球范围内得到了认可、鼓励和传播;至少有 50 名新闻工作者及其他利益攸关方接受 了关于认识与气候变化辩论有关的关键问题的培训。 unesdoc.unesco.org [...] coverage reports, exclusive acc...
unesdoc.unesco.org 保管国必须将文物送回的规定是根据 1954 年《议定书》第 II(5)条的规定提出的,其目 的是为了避免出现象波兰与加拿大在波兰艺术珍品问题上发生争论的情况,这些珍品于 1940 年为使其免受第二次世界大战 的威胁而被撤到加拿大,1961 年已被最终送回波兰。
She has worked closely with UNESCO related activities. For her personal artistic expression she enjoyed drawing Canadian heritage subjects. During the pandemic she made healthy meals, packaging them up and delivering them to the homeless. She married Bruce Cumming (died 2008). She created works for...
“The Forbidden Purple City”, in turn, offers an instance of a metafictional research on memory reconstruction, and its narrative acts in parallel to the reconstruction of Hue’s Purple City, both at the time of the conflict and in the present of the UNESCO-funded project. In “The Fig ...
112PREPARING ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS FOR A CHANGING ROLE: ACASE OF A CANADIAN INFORMATION LITERACY PROGRAMMEDr Ganga DakshinamurtiAlbert G. Cohen Management LibraryUniversity of ManitobaWinnipeg, ManitobaCanada. R3T 2N2gdaksh@cc.umanitoba.caBetty BraaksmaInformation Literacy CoordinatorUniversity of Manitoba Librar...