Whether you're shipping a vehicle to Canada or from Canada,Canadian Car Shippingis your one stop shop for everything from pickup to drop off. Our auto transport specialists are experts in Canadian vehicle importing and exporting, and we're dedicated to providing our customers with the best pri...
By Marcelle Cinq-Mars What is the connection between a digital watch, a GPS in a car, a microwave oven in a kitchen, and an epinephrine auto-injector for allergic reactions? Hint: It is the same as the link between radar, night vision goggles and the Internet. They are all technological...
translation: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiegel.de%2Fspiegel%2Fprint%2Fd-126149146.html which revealed, among other things that Obama has ordered the NSA to prepare for manupulating, jamming, weakening, blocking and destroying computers, in...