They’ve been researched, written, published and paid for by individual little Canadians having a common mission – preserve Canada’s aviation heritage and do it in high style.
BMOin the Canadian Defence Community Careers Making the transition to civilian life? Find out if your next step could include a career atBMO. Events BMOis proud to get behind exciting Canadian Defence Community events including theCanada Army Run,Navy Bike RideandRoyal Canadian Air Force Run. ...
Other U.S. Builders of Small Ships or Boats(~250 yards, in 14 tables) Large Ships and Submarines Built for the U.S. Navy (28 tables) Small Ships, Boats and Craft Built for the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Coast Guard, the U.S. Army and N.O.A.A. (100 tables) ...
For reference: these bases are located in Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Germany, Spain, and Italy; at these locations, the Afghans go through security checks before being taken to the United States. There are two important promises made by Ottawa. ...
Builders of Small Ships or Boats (~250 yards, in 14 tables) Large Ships and Submarines Built for the U.S. Navy (28 tables) Small Ships, Boats and Craft Built for the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Coast Guard, the U.S. Army and N.O.A.A. (100 tables) ...
In 1950, 25 Infantry Brigade, Canada’s Army commitment to the UN’s Commonwealth Contingent in Korea, began training here, but it wasn’t until 1952 that the camp’s first permanent buildings were constructed. In July 1974, the First Canadian Mechanized Brigade Operational Training Detachment, ...
Germanys had the advantage in every battle; Germanys had their bases on top of the long hills. Which lead them to look down on their enemies, which was easier for Germanys to kill their target. After countries failing to capture Vimy Ridge, Canada decided they were going to attempt to ...
In the early to mid 1960s, a reorganization and consolidation occurred within the Canadian Military. Several Army, Navy and RCAF bases were either downsized, merged or closed. As a result, Camp Dundurn was downsized to a detachment of CFB Moose Jaw in 1966. No. 6 Ordinance Ammunition Depot...
The Military Family Resource Centres (MFRCs) are located on all CF bases across Canada and where CF members are located abroad. These centres are dedicated to enhancing the quality of military family lives by the provision of unique services tailored to the military community, including: helping ...
The Department of National Defence (DND) has been actively involved in a successfulWater Treatment Plant Optimization Program (WTPOP) since March 2000. DND manages infrastructureat numerous sites including water systems serving military bases and local municipalities. The aim of theWTPOP is to ...