Visit the Canadian Armed Forces area on Stampede Park to meet heroes from the Canadian Army, Royal Canadian Air Force, and The Royal Canadian Navy
News stories yesterday that the Royal Canadian Navy was, of their own initiative,exploring changingtheir marching song from “Heart of Oak” caused an inordinate amount of absolute pants-wetting from not only the usual suspects, but even some other otherwise rational voices who insisted this was ...
Nicola Peffers is the lead plaintiff in a class action lawsuit filed against the Canadian Armed Forces citing sexual harrassment and discrimination based on her gender, while serving in the Royal Canadian Navy. Photo contributed Five class action lawsuits filed against Canada in regard to sexual assa...
Like the Australian navy, the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) also has a strong tradition of interoperability with its American counterparts, to the point where Canadian warships can also be seamlessly integrated into US naval task forces (PDF). It would serve the RCN well to ensure that its future...
Navy, Army and Air Force, by 2022. Representing all three branches of the armed forces and comprising over 500,000 photographs, this collection is one of my favourites and at the top of my list for review when a researcher requests photographs from the Second World War or the Korean War....
HORIZON. This strengthens its previous Indo-Pacific military mission, Operation PROJECTION, by deploying the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN), Canadian Army (CA), Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF), Canadian Special Operations Forces (CANSOF), and other Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) elements in the reg...
The Canadian Armed Forces Tattoo 1967 was the armed forces contribution to Canada's Centennial in 1967. It was the premier event that year performing over 150 shows in 42 cities across Canada. Over 1700 military men and woman took part in this production
Variations in rates were observed by rank and command, with higher screening rates observed in Officers and Royal Canadian Navy staff. Overall, screening rates showed a declining trend for all groups across the study period.#Cervical cancer screening rates amongst CAF members are currently below ...
Chinese Elite & Special Forces An Overview of Chinese Elite & Special Forces PLA Army Special Operations Forces PLA Navy Special Operations Forces PLA Air Force Special Operations Forces PLA Rocket Force Special Operations Forces People’s Armed Police (PAP) Special Operations Forces Irish Army Ranger...
Navy Bike Ride Royal Canadian Air Force Run Charities We’re here for the Canadian Defence Community every step of the way and are proud to support military and veteran charities. Canadian Defence Community BankingFAQsfrequently asked questions ...