As of Thursday morning, B.C. has 383 active wildfires, more than 200 of which are considered out of control. Wildfires in the province were concentrated in northeastern B.C. but have “really begun to ramp up” in central B.C. over the past few weeks, Macnab said. According to BC Wi...
There is wildfires (again) in Nova Scotiaball :( “ O Canada!Our home and native land!True patriot love in all of us command.With glowing hearts we see thee rise,The True North strong and free! ” — Canadaball about to sing its anthem Canada...
29-dec (19:00)B.C. reflects on another year fighting wildfires, building climate resiliency(Indo Canadian Voice) 29-dec (19:00)Mobile mammogram coach to stop in Osoyoos offering free screenings to those 40 plus (Oliver/Osoyoos)(Castanet) ...
To close the conference, Toronto’s Fire Chief Matthew Pegg dialled in on truths at the heart of high-performance leadership. He first considers skill, and that while skill is often a metric of promotion it is rarely the catalyst to termination. Teams fail because of a lack of trust, he...
A look at news events in April 2024: Dec. 12, 2024 flag wire: trueflag sponsored: falsearticle_type: pubinfo.section: : thestar.comsWebsitePrimaryPublication : publications/toronto_starbHasMigratedAvatar : falsefirstAuthor.avatar : By The Canadian Press A look at...
Very bad. To be specific, Canada wildfires have burned over 10 mn hectares this year. And it’s not just the loss of forests or the poisonous air people have to breathe. There is also the tragedy of lost homes and lives. Climate change damage is not limited to Canada, obviously. It’...
Introduction: Paramedic practice is highly variable, occurs in diverse contexts, and involves the assessment and management of a range of presentations of varying acuity across the lifespan. As a result, attempts to define paramedic practice have been ch
In closing, Trudeau thanked workers and volunteers during the pandemic, fire fighters protecting Canada from wildfires and the Canadian Armed Forces fighting for democracy and freedom. The entire video consisted of Trudeau addressing the camera for about 2½ minutes. In contrast, Poilievre’s four-...
“By all measures, this is perhaps the worst year we have experienced with wildfires,” Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair said. He said it is a blessing there has been no loss of life, but property damage has been significant, and major infrast...
I’ve been sitting on the sidelines of an outrageous housing market here in Bend Oregon, where we’re having some of the same issues. I wonder how long the story of wildfires and water shortages can go before it has any impact on the thousands of people moving here each year. ...