Canada $10000+ 10,000+ 10,000+ Very High Canada $208k+ $2000+ 10,000+ Very High Canada $10000+ 1,000+ 10,000+ High Canada $5000+ 250+ - Canada $1000+ - 532,725 Results in this...
NOTE: Wildfire Smoke - Exposure to wild fire smole and particle air pollution can irritate the lungs, cause inflammation, and alter immune function. MicrobeTV - The amazing host of MicrobeTV - MicrobeTV is an independent podcast network for people who are interested in the life sciences. Our...
There is a suggestion that forest soils that were subjected to wildfire are slightly different; however, the sample size is low. Thus, these soil samples were merged into one single source category named “forests.” Figure 2a also shows the soil samples classified as agricultural land, ...
Accessed 8 Nov 2019 Wardle RJ, Gower CF, Ryan B, Nunn GAG, James DT, Kerr A (1997) Geological map of Labrador; 1:1 million scale. Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Mines and Energy, Geological Survey, Map 97–07 Download references...
An additional 25% of the observed PM2.5 was attributed to biomass combustion, even after the Richardson Backcountry wildfire event impacted samples were removed from the analysis, highlighting the influence of residential wood heating and land clearing burning operations. The estimated overall ...
It was the plague of the Twentieth Century — an influenza virus that came on like a lightning bolt, spread like wildfire and, with its companions, deadly bacterial pneumonias, killed people by the millions — maybe a hundred million in all — between 1918 and 1920. The so-called Spanish ...
NOTE: Wildfire Smoke - Exposure to wild fire smole and particle air pollution can irritate the lungs, cause inflammation, and alter immune function. MicrobeTV - The amazing host of MicrobeTV - MicrobeTV is an independent podcast network for people who are interested in the life sciences. Our...
Despite their numerous benefits, wetlands have been threatened by climate change, natural catastrophic events (i.e., wildfire), and anthropogenic activities, such as intense irrigation practices, water drainage, groundwater extraction, and replacement by urban and agricultural landscapes [13]. Therefore...
SafetyAmmonia Combustion: Experimental and Numerical StudiesApplications of Computational Statistics to Wildfire Science and ManagementAssessment and Prevention of Mine Fires and Gas DisastersAtmosphere Fire InteractionsBehavior of Materials in FireBiomass-BurningBoreal Fire-Fuels InteractionsBuilding Fire Dynamics ...
(a) Map of Saskatchewan indicating location of boreal forests (dark gray) and the location of mapped predictions (small black polygon with leader line); (b) predicted probability of wildfire, p(wildfire), per 35-year period for the area around the southern parts of Reindeer Lake in northeast...