Owned by a foreign, non-resident individual No other local income, no mortgage These figures are for reference only; always consult a reputable lawyer for accurate advice. In many countries, it is more tax-efficient to buy and rent through a company. For more information on property taxes, ...
Howland Tax Services International provides cross-border tax preparation services for individuals and small businesses in Canada and the United States
Income Tax Act The Canadian Income Tax Act (ITA) was enhanced to incorporate the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) in 2014 and the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) in 2017. The ITA describes the due diligence and reporting obligations that arise by virtue of the implementation of ...
Discusses Canadian tax considerations and planning opportunities for direct foreign investment. Outline of the Canadian Income Tax Act; Consideration whether non-resident will be entitled to claim treaty benefits; Identification of double dip with respect to interest deductions; Information on the share-...
Foreign exchange/foreign exchange rate (外汇/汇率)— 某国货币能对兑成另一国家货币的水平。 G Goods and Services Tax,简称GST (货劳税)— 适用于在加拿大销售的大部分货品及服务的一项联邦税项 (目前为5%),该税项由商户代表政府收取。 Gross earnings/pay (毛收入/薪资总额)— 雇主支付给某人的总金额,当...
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Pretax Margin - - - - 14.69% Income Tax Income Tax 67M (62M) 16M (6M) (1.14B) Income Tax - Current Domestic Income Tax - Current Domestic - - - - - Income Tax - Current Foreign Income Tax - Current Foreign - - - - -
The Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (FEIE) is a US tax benefit that lets you exclude income from U.S. taxation. It is typically a key way that U.S. ex-pats living in Canada can avoid double taxation on their Canadian-earned income. ...
International Tax Business Tax Personal Tax U.S. Tax Accounting How to Make Real Estate Investments Profitable... October 27, 2024 Purchasing Foreign Real Estate and FAPI Taxes... October 17, 2024 Navigating Tax Implications of Assignment Sales... September 29, 2024 Comparing Home Buyers Pla...
EQ has also been quite innovative over the last few years. They added an EQ Bank Card in 2023 (offering fee-free spending and no foreign exchange fees), and then in 2024 they launched both a new corporate account option, as well as the first 30-day Notice Account in Canada!