The study aims to develop a set of measures (tools) for involving small businesses in stabilizing Alberta鈥檚 economy. The methodology includes the monitoring of the economy within Alberta鈥檚 regional borders over time; statistical analysis of the small business sector before and during the ...
This paper considers small businesses as an effective sector that solves current problems in the structure of the economy. The study aims to develop a set of measures (tools) for involving small businesses in stabilizing Alberta鈥檚 economy. The methodology includes the monitoring of the economy wi...
but also includes grants from the federal government primarily for infrastructure projects. Albertans are the lowest-taxed people inCanada, and Alberta is the only province inCanadawithout a provincial sales tax (though residents are still subject to the federal sales tax, the GST). Alberta's muni...
but also includes grants from the federal government primarily for infrastructure projects. Albertans are the lowest-taxed people inCanada, and Alberta is the only province inCanadawithout a provincial sales tax (though residents are still subject to the federal sales tax, the GST). Alberta's muni...
Our Preferred Pharmacy Network (except in Quebec and Alberta) ensures the sustainability of the plan by reducing the cost for preauthorized drugs, and offers support and assistance by pharmacists to major claimants to ensure an adequate framework Through our Support for Speciality Medications Program,...
Calgary, Alberta (403) 648-4376 Greg Fayarchuk Canadian Managing Director, North American Outsourcing Leader BUCK Mississauga, Ontario (416) 644-9252 Laura Hardy National Operations Director, Canada Gallagher Benefit Services (403) 648-4377
Alberta Blue Cross Makes the commute to work a little easier with a monthly work and parking allowance of $90, which can be used for expenses such as parking, transit passes, or home office equipment Head office: Edmonton, AB Industry: ...
Alberta (AB) If conducting business in Alberta, visit the website to register your business name. If registering a trade name or sole-proprietorship, fill out the Declaration of Trade Name form. If registering a partnership, fill out the Declaration of Partnership form. There are al...
Canada-Alberta Job Grant (CAJG) B.C. Employer Training Grant (ETG) Canada-Manitoba Job Grant (CMJG) Canada-New Brunswick Job Grant (CNBJG) Canada-Newfoundland Job Grant (CNJG) Canada-Nova Scotia Job Grant (CNSJG) Canada-Prince Edward Island Job Grant (CPEIJG) ...
The Federal Court of Appeal held in 1245989 Alberta Ltd. v. Canada (2018 FCA 114) that the GAAR did not apply to a transaction that resulted in an increase in a tax attribute that had not yet been utilized to reduce taxes. In response to this outcome and noting that this reasoning has...