The source of funds should also be very clear, so that the Canada Revenue Agency does not mistake the gift as income. Therefore, you should keep a copy of your bank statement to show where the money originated from, as well as copies of tax returns to prove that you had the finan...
If you aren’t sure about eligibility, talk to your health care provider or specialist about it. Once approved, the Disability Tax Credit Certificate is submitted by the person with the disability to the Canada Revenue Agency, and then the Disability Tax Credit and the Canada Caregiver Credit c...
247, at paras. 2 and 21; Canada (Deputy Minister of National Revenue) v. Mattel Canada Inc., 2001 SCC 36, [2001] 2 S.C.R. 100, at para. 27). [39] It is true that the Tribunal is similar to a court both in the questions it must decide and in the advers ...