联邦政府指出,雇主的设施是“雇主在加拿大拥有、租赁或租用的任何地方或场所,员工前往工作或支付员工工资的地点或场所”。 详细条款请参考:https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/businesses/topics/payroll/set-up-new-employee/determine-province-employment.html 图片来自网络 工时豁免 联邦政府通过修...
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has effectively granted IOF-supporting universities charitable status, notably the ability to offer donors’ tax receipts. The CRA has a special category for international universities. The idea is that people should be able to get a tax deduction when...
revenue国税局canadaagency加拿大canadians Canada Revenue Agency 2012–13 Report on Plans and Priorities The Honourable Gail Shea, P.C., M.P. Minister of National Revenue Mission Vision Values To administer tax, benefits, and related programs, and ensure compliance on behalf of governments across Cana...
Revenue agency discusses tax polices at annual roundtable.(Canada Revenue Agency)(Brief Article)Bernstein, JackLeung, Kay
If you want someone else to be able to access your business’s tax information online, such as an accountant, lawyer, bookkeeper, employee, friend or family member, he or she can use the Canada Revenue Agency’s Represent a Client service to do that. ...
这意味着付款将于4月19日星期五发出。 每个6岁以下儿童的年度最高福利金额为$7,437, 每个6岁至17岁儿童的最高年度福利金额为$6,275。 对于加拿大的福利计划来说, 7月1日都是新的一年初始时间, 意味着从这一天开始, 政府会对福利金额有所调整。
On June 22, 2023, new mandatory tax disclosure rules in the Income Tax Act (Canada) (the “ITA”) came into force, which expanded the scope of transactions that taxpayers, advisors and investors must report to the Canada Revenue Agency (the “CRA”). The mandatory disclosure rules encompass...
The Canada Revenue Agency only designated its first set of notifiable transactions on November 1, 2023, so the earliest filing due date to report notifiable transactions would be January 30, 2024. For more information, see our Tax Insights“Canada Revenue Agency officially designates ...
Involuntary Deductions Canada Revenue Agency Tax Deductions (none) Employer Taxes (none) Employer Liabilities (none) Information (none) Balance Initialization (none) Earnings, Supplemental Earnings, Taxable Benefits Earnings classification elements represent earnings for time worked, such as salary and hourly...