Charity 'political' targeting scrutinized--OTTAWA - The Canada Revenue Agency says it pays no...Beeby, Dean
We help people support their favourite charities online and help charities raise funds through PayPal and other technology platforms.
revenue国税局canadaagency加拿大canadians Canada Revenue Agency 2012–13 Report on Plans and Priorities The Honourable Gail Shea, P.C., M.P. Minister of National Revenue Mission Vision Values To administer tax, benefits, and related programs, and ensure compliance on behalf of governments across Cana...
Court of Canada, the Federal Court of Appeal, the Tax Court of Canada, the Federal Court, and all levels of provincial courts. Our clients include multinational enterprises, public and private companies, trusts, high net worth and ultra-high-net worth individuals, charities, and small businesses...
Annual Disbursement Quota for Registered Charities Registered charities are generally required to expend a minimum amount each year. Currently, the disbursement quota is 3.5% of the registered charity’s property not directly used in charitable activities or administration. This is intended to ensure bot...
If you’re a healthy beverage brand, for example, consider partnering with children’s health charities, like the Alliance for a Healthier Generation. Have the charity give a free can of pop to anyone who donates to the nonprofit as a product sample. Not only do you support the cause by...
We have a significant impact on the community through payment of taxes and contributions to not-for-profit institutions and charities. Our stakeholders hold Scotiabank to a very high standard – the same standard to which we must hold ourselves. One of our primary responsibilities is to be a ...
ShareGift is a registered charity that provides a solution to small shareholdings – too small to sell, but can be transferred free of charge to ShareGift who aggregate and sell to benefit of different registered charities 48. Reporting obligations 48.1. Unless previously agreed between the Client...
These are just some of the ways you can reach your audience. There are other opportunities for networking and promoting goodwill, such as through charities and sponsorships. Small businesses have a host of different channels and ways to market their products and services to consumers. Use data,...
Timeline of political-activity audits--OTTAWA - Timeline of key events surrounding the Canada...Beeby, Dean