doi:10.32721/ Revenue AgencyTAX returnsSALES taxWoolley, FrancesMacnaughton, AlanSandler, DanielCanadian Tax Journal / Revue Fiscale Canadienne
May 6, 2024:2024 federal budget: Impact on employers and employees of the proposed changes to capital gains and stock options inclusion rate March 22, 2024:The Canada Revenue Agency releases updated Information Circular 94-4R2, International Transfer Pricing: Advance Pricing Arrangements (APAs) Janua...
In Canada, you have to fill out and turn in your Canadian Revenue Agency income tax forms by the end of April. You would... November 26, 2015 3 min read How to choose the best accounting software Accounting software is readily available at brick-and-mortar and online stores alike. ...
You can contribute a lump sum to your RRSP once a year or set up regular automatic deposits, such as after you receive each paycheque. Either way, be sure your contribution is within the limits set by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). ...
In the case of Radonjic v. Canada Revenue Agency[5], a Coquitlam, B.C., poker player sought to overturn a CRA decision that he was not entitled to a refund of the taxes he paid on his winnings over a period of several years. The court sided with Mr. Radonjic, finding that he didn...
March 2, 2021 Canada Revenue Agencyhas announcedthat taxpayers with taxable income of $75,000 or less, who received eligible benefits, will not be charged interest on 2020 amounts owing until April 30, 2022. Late filing penalties still apply for returns that aren't filed by their due dates...
A tax-free savings account, or TFSA, is a registered account that allows you to save, invest and withdraw money without paying taxes. It can be a valuable investment tool for your portfolio if you know and follow the contribution limits set by the Canada Revenue Agency. As of 2025, with...
Canada’s fifth-most populous province added single-game wagering to its online offerings on August 27, 2021. Much like players located in British Columbia, residents of Manitoba are restricted to using the platform. The Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries Corporation, the crown agency in cha...
On June 22, 2023, new mandatory tax disclosure rules in the Income Tax Act (Canada) (the “ITA”) came into force, which expanded the scope of transactions that taxpayers, advisors and investors must report to the Canada Revenue Agency (the “CRA”). The mandatory disclosure rules encompass...
For Employment Insurance (EI) to calculate the deduction amount, you need to multiply the salary for that period as per the rate set by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). The maximum annual insurable earnings amount for 2021 is $56,300, and the rate is 1.58%. Each year both the figures ...