We take pride in having a diverse workforce with wide ranging skill sets. We offer variety, mobility and continuous learning. Companies Canada Revenue Agency Why join us? HeadquartersOttawa, CA Revenuemore than $15bn (NZD) Employees10,000+ Industry Government & Public Administration ...
Canada Revenue Agency is a government entity focused on tax administration and compliance within the financial sector. It administers tax laws for the Government of Canada and most provinces and territories, offering services such as processing income tax returns, administering GST/HST, and managing ...
The public-sector union representing Canada Revenue Agency employees has struck a tentative deal with the federal government, ending a strike of 35,000 workers just after the tax season wrapped up. More coming. The Canadian PressCanadian Press May 3, 2023 10:58 PM May 3, 2023...
Canada Revenue Agency的员工点评4.04.0星,满分5星。A supportive and well compensated environment Taxpayer Services Agent (离职员工) - Surrey, BC - 2024年7月29日 What is the best part of working at the company?Since everyone is paid a living wage all employees are very happy and eager t...
Canada Revenue Agency / CRA Offers an accelerated leadership development program to provide students with broad exposure to the company through rotations across different lines of business Head office:Ottawa, ON Industry:Federal government, general economic programs Full-time Employees:56,709 Read Review...
Canada Revenue Agency Canada Revenue Agency的员工点评1.01.0星,满分5星。Not a good employer. Management does not care about employees. Trust Examiner (离职员工) - Victoria, BC - 2019年7月26日 I would not recommend this employer. What was once a decent place to work has become a sea of ...
Employees working at home due to COVID-19 may be able to claim a deduction, income tax measures to support journalism, and the refundable Canada Training Credit for tuition fees. •Read Article United States Tax Change Highlights for 2020 ...
As a small business owner, you will need to have a payroll if you hire employees to work under you. A payroll must consist of employees' information/name, Working hours, deductions, wages, and all records of payment made to them for every pay period and tax year. ...
Enhances a group benefits program giving employees flexibility and providing coverage where insured programs fall short (e.g. vision, orthodontic, etc.). Gives self-employed individuals a method of paying for health and dental expenses - including the cost of an individual health insurance program....
For example, in Ontario, employees with over eight years of service are entitled to up to eight weeks of notice or equivalent compensation. The law also makes provision for severance pay. According to federal laws, severance pay is typically calculated based on the employee’s years of service...