Canada Revenue Agencyrecently revealedtax tips for students, including tax credits, deductions, free tax clinics and more. Whether you're filingCanada taxesfor the first time now that you're attending post-secondary school or have submittedtax returnsbefore and have questions, here's what you need...
图源 在2月7日至7月25日期间,CRA收到了2952万份报税表,其中59%是通过用于个人报税的EFILE服务;32.9%通过个人自行提交的NETFILE;7.9%为纸张税表,0.2%通过CRA为合资格人士提供的自动电话报税服务“File my Return”。根据加拿大政府官网,税务申报方式会影响获得退款的时间。 图源 加拿大税务局...
Beginning Feb. 2014, Canadian tax preparers will be able toeFile two years of tax returns(current year plus prior year) instead of one. Returns for immigrants to Canada will also be eligible for eFile. CRA Releases Expanded Foreign Income Verification Statement ...
Check myTaxExpress certification status from CRA NETFILE or EFILE web site. NETFILE/EFILE allows you to get tax refund as quickly as in 2 weeks. Spouse Tax Return Coupling myTaxExpress can process spouse's tax return together (2 returns will be counted). Spouse-related tax data will be...