canadapostcode.comwebsite provides Canada Postcode information to the general public by allowing them to browse or search. If you find any error or inaccurate information, kindlycontact us. Links Of Interest Canada Routing Number Information
About Us website provides Canada Postcode information to the general public by allowing them to browse or search. If you find any error or inaccurate information, kindly contact us. Links Of Interest Canada Routing Number Information Browse Location Contact Us Privacy Policy...
Our Canadian Postal CodesOMproduct contains a postal code database of over 875,000 records. This database is intended for Enterprise customers and is excellent for establishing Time Zones for Canadian customers, meeting Canada Post requirements, city verification, and linking areas to Canada latitude...
企业档案建好之后,就要牢记这些日子了,10月1日,10月8日,10月15日,10月22日和10月29日,也就是下个月的每周二。 每周二活动当天(当天24小时均可),访问 Canada Post 官网的 “Free Shipping Tuesdays” 活动页面: 获取免费发快递的...
tracing code用以查询和跟踪投递情况的。
Postal Code Lookup is the best platform to search the Postal Codes of Canada. You can find Post Codes, Area Codes, Zip Codes along with their map which shows you accurate position Time Zone of that Area.
There are thousands of postal codes in Canada so I have no idea what yours is. Look it up by entering your address here: (8) Reply of 1 What is the postal code of Canada Welcome...
a我已经回复您了。你没有收到我邮件吗? I already replied you.You have not received my mail?[translate] a基本结构 Basic structure[translate] a5182 BENTLEY PLACE,DELTA,bc,canada post code:vse 3m1 5182 BENTLEY位置,三角洲, BC,加拿大邮政编码:vse 3m1[translate]...
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Obtaining post code information: Information on Canadian post code directories can be obtained from: NATIONAL PHILATELIC CENTER CANADA POST CORPORATION STATION 1 ANTIGONISH NS B2G 2R8 Telephone: 1-800-565-4362 Fax: 1-902-863-6796 To obtain Canadian post codes for specific addresses, call the Gene...