White PagesCanada Find address and telephones numbers. 1 Country code for international phone calls, whatsapp and text messages. CAN Search in Canada : Canada iso2 : CA iso3 : CAN Country : Canada Lat : 60 Long : -95 Population : 37855702 ...
A restaurant for every 11,115 people, in Alberta with about 11% of the total number of Tim Hortons restaurants Province / Territory Number of restaurants Population Population per restaurant Ontario 1,808 (51%) 14.45M 7.99K Quebec 564 (16%) 8.43M 14.95K Alberta 391 (11%) 4.35M 11.12K...
Inuit live in the far north , and First Nations live all across the country . Many people have families who came from France or England long ago . They were the first people from Europe to come and stay in large numbers . Germans , Ukrainians , Italians ,...
Population37,742,15497,338,57959,596,425 Distance and travel time CityHanoiHo Chi Minh cityDa Nang Newfoundland11632km (7228mi)12763km (7228mi)12220km (7228mi) Sault Sainte Marie12453km (7738mi)13563km (7738mi)12964km (7738mi)
It is estimated that close to 20 million people visitNiagara Fallseach year, with numbers increasing every year. That number is half theentirepopulation of Canada! There are three waterfalls that make up the collectiveNiagara Falls, with the largest being Horseshoe Falls, followed by American Falls...
Moncton, the “Hub City” of the Maritimes, now connects growing communities from cultures around the world. As the first – and only –officially bilingual city in Canada, nearly half of Moncton’s citizens can converse in both French and English. Roughly 60% of Moncton’s population are na...
Population Recovery Canada goose populations represent a successful wildlife protection program that revived dwindling numbers in the beginning of the 20th century. The birds were guarded by law and even reintroduced in some areas where their numbers had become low. Today the geese are a popular gam...
Philpott will become the minister of indigenous services, in charge of overseeing steps to boost living standards. Carolyn Bennett, who headed the old ministry, will be responsible for ties between Ottawa and aboriginal groups. Aboriginals make up about four percent of the population. Many...
Canada catches only a tiny fraction of the fish taken from the world’s oceans, but it ranks among the leaders in volume of fish exports because of Canada’s relatively small population and low per capita fishconsumption. Historically, in the Atlantic Provinces thefishing industrycontributed signif...
Edward Island, 43.1 years in Nova Scotia and 43.0 years in New Brunswick. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick had the highest proportion of seniors, at 16.5% and 16.2%, respectively. Quebec’s population was older than the national average; the median age was ...