Check list of largest cities in Canada by population along with their provience/ union territory, area, population density and more at
populationintheworld.(加拿大地广人稀,每平方公里仅3.6人。领土面积居世界第二,人 口数量却位于世界第31位。) ▪Itisacountrywithasmanyas100nationalities.TheoriginsofmostCanadiansareBritain (44.6%)andFrench(28.7%).Thenativepeople,theEskimos(爱斯基摩人)/Inuit(因纽特人) ...
Canada is a vast and rugged land. From north to south it spans more than half the Northern Hemisphere.
Canada is a very big country with many different landforms and animals. It has many different people too. Canadas say their differences make them strong. Population:36048521 Land:9984670 square kilometers(3855103sq,mi) capital city Ottawa Official languages:Englis...
Population:36048521 Land:9984670 square kilometers(3855103sq,mi) capital city Ottawa Official languages:English and French Currency:Canadian dollar 结论 加拿大是一个很大的国家,有许多不同的地貌和动物。它也有很多不同的人。加拿大人说,他们的差异使他们变得强大。
Total land area: 9,093,507 km2 (3,511,023 sq mi) Population 2024 Q4 estimate: 41,465,298 (36th)2021 census: 36,991,981 Density: 4.2/km2 (10.9/sq mi) (236th) Type Anglo-American (including Afro Anglo-American) Latin-American (only in Quebecball and French-speaking areas) ...
3、概况 General Information Capital: Ottawa Largest city:Toronto Official languages: English and French National Day: July 1st Anthem: O Canada Population :31.9 million 2nd largest in size with a small population Canada_加拿大国家概况 General Information G8 (US, UK. Germany, France, Japan, Italy...
It is the worlds second largest country in terms of territory and shares land borders with the United States to the south and northwest.,General Information,Capital: Ottawa Largest city:Toronto Official languages: English an 3、d French National Day: July 1st Anthem: O Canada Population :31.9 ...
Canada accounted for about 4 thirds of the world's land area, and one is the world's No. 2 size of population, population of the country is approximately 32 million inhabitants, mainly French-speaking and English speaking countries.
Canada’s provinces and territories are some of the largest subdivisions of any country in the world, bigger than many individual countries. They also have some of the lowest levels of population density of anywhere on earth, however, given that much of northern Canada is very sparsely inhabited...