Disability benefits: If you become severely disabled and are unable to work at any job on a regular basis, you and your children may receive a monthly benefit. Survivor's pension: When you die, a pension may go to your surviving spouse. Death benefit: This is a one-time payment to (or...
In this new post-covid environment, it's critical to think of a plan B to continue managing pension and benefits funds in an agile manner when you are stretched for talent. For example, when your team goes through a peak period or one of your employees within the benefits group suddenly ...
Canada adoped the maple leaf for its new flag in 1965, became officially bilingual in 1969 and officially multicultural in 1971. Canada also created a variety of social programs such as the Canada Pension Plan, Canada Student Loans and created the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. But n...
But Zakaria points to many other things the Great White North is getting right. A more open-door immigration policy than its "brain-dead" U.S. counterpart that welcomes rather than shuns skilled émigrés. A reformed national pension system now in robust fiscal health compared with a near-ins...
pension funding, the potential recharacterisation of consultants as employees, certain environmental matters and other high-risk deal specific terms. In addition, certain exclusions can arise out of deal-specific matters that present themselves during the due diligence review process. Apart from a short...
There’s also a return of premium on death clause, which means your premiums will be paid back to your chosen beneficiary should you pass away unexpectedly, without receiving a full benefit payment under your critical illn...
If you think about a “pension” as something that you have paid into – and which doesn’t depend on Canada’s annual tax revenues – then it makes sense to call CPP a pension, and just refer to OAS as… OAS. The key difference between OAS and CPP is that while you were working ...
On August 1st, novice drivers of any age and all drivers 21 and under must have zero blood alco- hol level when driving: An immediate 24-hour licence suspension A further 30-day licence sus- pension on conviction Up to $500 in fines Novice drivers in the Graduated Licensing System are ...
The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) demands employer-matched contributions calculated at 5.95% of pensionable earnings, with a 2024 annual maximum of $68,500. The workers’ compensation requirements can be complicated as each province operates its own compensation board and contribution rates based on ...
Trudeau says he revealed allegations on Nijjar death to 'put a chill' on India Last June, Sikh community leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar was shot dead outside his gurdwara in Surrey, B.C., and his supporters quickly blamed India. He, like some others in Canada’s large Sikh population, was...