Ottawa-Transport Canada published Aug.6 final regulatory amendments intended to permit the sale in Canada of small, battery-powered, low-speed trucks as part of the federal government's overall effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The changes to the Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations (Low-...
Vehicles and parts of the specified categories must be approved by TC when exported to Canada and comply with the Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Act and safety regulations. The safety regulations are based on the Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (CMVSS). The Minister of Transportation is ...
Models manufactured in Canada must bear a label stating that “This child restraint system conforms to all applicable Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards”, or the National Safety Mark, indicating the number of the standard(s) to which the restraint device conforms: CMVSS 213 for a child res...
Manufactured before 1985; it must state “This child restraint system conforms to all applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards.” Canada Transport Canada Must have the National Security Mark indicating standards: CMVSS 213 for a child restraint device or 213.1 for an infant restraint device...
Affix the ALCOLOCK service reminder cling sticker to the inner left location of the windshield of the client vehicle in accordance with local motor vehicle safety regulations. Restrict access to Client events log data to trained and/or designated personnel. ...
However, under the Motor Vehicle Transport Act, the provinces and territories enforce federal regulations on behalf of the federal government. The provinces and territories also have sole responsibility for intra-provincial operations. In most provinces and territories, ELD andhours of serviceregulations ...
MotorVehicleSafetyStandardissuedbytheU.S.NationalHighwayTrafficSafety Administration).AccordingtotheAct,theMotorVehicleSafetyRegulationsmayalteror overridesomeprovisionscontainedinaTSDorspecifyadditionalrequirements; consequently,itisadvisabletoreadaTSDinconjunctionwiththeActanditscounterpart ...
There are several key differences between the Canada ELD mandate and the U.S. ELD ruleset in place. As noted above, Canadian regulations require ELDs to be officially certified while devices are self-certified in the U.S. In Canada, when authorities request that drivers transfer their logs, ...
Over the past few years, significant progress has been made in the road engineering, which along with the implementation of safety laws and regulations, has improved the overall road safety. However, traffic accidents and road injuries are still a leading global cause of death. The propensity of...
the report’s publication, Transport Canada has amended the Motor Vehicle Safety Act (MVSA - March 2018) to afford greater flexibility to keep pace with emerging technologies (e.g., modernized/new authorities to grant exemptions, take enforcement action, and modify or suspend outdated regulations)...