The article focuses on the Wikileaks document which disproves the non-involvement of Canada in the 2003 invasion of Iraq. It states that the document describes a meeting between American, Canadian and British officials and confirms Canada's commitment of armed forces personnel, warships, and ...
Feb 17 (Reuters) – Canadian oil and gas producer Crescent Point Energy Corp said it has agreed to buy Kaybob Duvernay assets in Alberta from oil major Royal Dutch Shell’s unit for C$900 million ($708.77 million). ($1 = 1.2698 Canadian dollars)(Reporting by Rithika Krishna in Bengaluru...
The terrorist organization reportedly generated funding through sophisticated passport forgery units for illegal migration in Europe, while using that expertise to facilitate movement of its members into countries where they would carry out suicide missions, including in Spain and Iraq (Wall Street Journal...
why australia said yes and canada said non to involvement in the 2003 iraq war Pro-European think tank focusing on political, economic and social challenges facing Europe. Research topics: Britain and the EU; EU budget; EU foreign policy; EU institutions; justice and home affairs; economics ...
even depriving them of Canadian citizenship. Ottawa has announced plans to deploy 100 Canadian troops in Lebanon to act as advisers in the fight against the Islamic State organization. These behind-the-lines advisers in Lebanon and others in Iraq are intended to replace the Canadian bombing ...
Iraq Kol-Al Manafith Ireland Eirevolt Energy, Energy Freedom Systems, Prime Solar, Solar Now Israel Inbar Solar Energy Italy 01 Elettronica, Amaranto, Ambientefuturo, Apollon, Atenatech, Biotech Energia, Chinello Giannino, Consalt Network, Deren, Dimex, DL Energypoint, Duowatt, Elettra 2...
Iran, Iraq, and other countries. In the rural town location, 2,135 people (17 %) were identified as visible minorities and 16.6 % as immigrants [4]. In 2006, almost 50 % of those identifying as visible minorities in the entire health region resided in the rural town of our study. Th...
with Canadian involvement. Canada supported the United States when the latter spearheaded the 2001 invasion and subsequent occupation ofAfghanistanby sending a contingent of troops in 2002. However, it did not participate in the U.S.-ledIraq Warthat invaded and occupied thatcountry, instead resuming...
Since graduating, Hiba’s involvement in the nonprofit space continued through her work organizing enhanced Canadian citizenship ceremonies and working on digital platforms to help immigrants and new citizens. As an immigrant herself, born in Kurdistan, Iraq and raised in Switzerland, Hiba is happy ...
Following WW2, a wave of nationalist movements (e.g., in Iraq and Iran) sought to renegotiate the oil concessions and establish national sovereignty over oil reserves, culminating in the 1960 establishment by developing nations of OPEC, which would eventually become an effective counter-cartel to ...