今年加拿大的纳税截止日期不是通常的4月30日,是2023年5月1日。 由于今年4月30日是星期日,如果CRA收到申报表,或者邮戳是在5月1日或之前,那么将被视为按时报税。 官网详情: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/taxes/income-tax/personal-income-tax/get-ready-taxes.html 祝大家报税顺利,福利多多!
https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/topics/first-home-savings-account.html 2. 多代家庭装修税收抵免(Multigenerational Home Renovation Tax Credit) 2023年及以后税年的另一项新的税收抵免是多代房屋装修税收抵免,适用于符合残疾人税收抵免条件的成年人或老年人,以支付装修费用。
1、北方居民旅行扣减CRA正在推出简化的北方居民旅行扣减,这是一个试点项目,使北方居民更容易确定最低往返机票票价,这是在纳税时申请旅行扣除所需的三个金额之一。 简化版于2023年2月20日这一周在canada.ca/lowest-return-airfare上提供,其特点是通过表格确定从有定期商业航班的机场到指定城市的最低返程机票金额。该...
Undergoing an income tax audit? Call us. We are a team of experienced tax audit lawyers in Toronto, and we are ready to handle your case!
Canada imposes corporate and personal income tax on its residents (including Canadian subsidiaries of foreign entities) in respect of income and capital gains earned anywhere in the world. Federal income tax is imposed under the Income Tax Act (ITA).
This statistic shows the median annual total income of an individual in Canada from 2000 to 2022, distinguished by gender. In 2022, the median annual income for women tax filers stood at 37,690 Canadian dollars. Median total income in Canada from 2000 to 2022, by gender (in Canadian dollars...
Howland Tax Services International provides cross-border tax preparation services for individuals and small businesses in Canada and the United States
The recently tabled Québec budget for 2023/2024 contains several tax measures affecting individuals and corporations.
Canadian residents are lawfully required to pay income tax on their worldwide income, while non-residents are taxed solely on Canadian-sourced income. As of 2023, the Canadian federal income tax brackets are: Up to CAD 53,359: 15% CAD 53,359 to CAD 106,717: 20.5% CAD 106,717 to CAD...
On 28 May 2024, amended Bill C-59, Fall Economic Statement Implementation Act, 2023, received third reading in the House of Commons and became substantively enacted for Canadian financial reporting purposes. Bill C-59 implements the majority of the remaining income tax measures from the 2023 ...