Yashadhana A, Derbas A, Biles J, Grant J. Pandemic-related racial discrimination and its health impact among non-indigenous racially minoritized peoples in high-income contexts: a systematic review. Health Promot Int. 2022;37(2):daab144. https://doi.org/10.1093/heapro/daab144. Article Pub...
IC-IMPACTSFollow A #nonprofit organization building healthy communities in Canada & India by deploying innovative #infrastructure, #water, #agritech & #health research outcomes. IC-IMPACTS@icimpacts· 31 Oct Wishing everyone a joyful and prosperous Diwali filled with light, love, and happiness. May...
It is expected that the Women’s Health Clinical Mentorship Grant will continue to position Canadian researchers at the forefront of women’s health studies (https://cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/51599.html). Indigenous gender and wellness initiative The importance of gender is often overlooked in ...
As Canada’s pioneer in telemedicine with over three decades of healthcare leadership, EQ Care is continually innovating to help employers create healthy and resilient environments for their employees, and to address dramatic shifts as a result of the pandemic. Going back to our workplaces will ...
在加拿大,有六所高等院校提供公共健康专业的本科阶段学习. 一般来说,公共健康包括环境公共健康(Environmental Public Health)和职业健康与安全(Occupational Health and Safety)。但平常所提及的公共健康,大多数是指环境健康,而并非指职业健康。 在这六所高校当中,有的学校可以提供上述两个专业方向的学习,比如Toronto Metr...
Charitable focus is on physical activity and healthy nutrition in the communities where it operates and employees are encouraged to volunteer with one paid day annually Head office: Montréal, QC Industry: Cheese and dairy food products manufacturing ...
Healthy CommunitiesMunicipal responsibilityHealth promotionLalonde ReportHealthy CitiesIn Canada we claim the Healthy Cities movement as part of our health promotion legacy, although two of its early instigators were an American (Leonard Duhl) and a transplanted Englishman (Trevor Hanco...
We also recognize that best practices in evaluating patient and public involvement in research include an economic assessment of engagement processes and impacts; doing so, however, was unfortunately outside the scope of this 1-year grant. We recognize the note-taking style for meetings did not ...
“healthy immigrant” effect, at least initially, resulting in better mental health outcomes for immigrants [12]. Family cohesion and support, which may be higher in Latino and Asian communities [39], may also serve as a protective factor against poor mental health outcomes [40]. Finally, the...
As with newcomers in many other immigrant-receiving nations, the immigrants who enter Canada are relatively healthy. However, their health status converges towards the national average within 10 years of their arrival. A number of explanations have been suggested for this ‘healthy immigrant effect’...