A Yield Curve is a graph that shows the relationship between interest rates (or yields) and different maturities of debt for a specific borrower, often government bonds. It typically plots yields on the y-axis and maturities on the x-axis, ranging from short-term to long-term bonds....
Generally, a government bond is issued by a national government and is denominated in the country`s own currency. Bonds issued by national governments in foreign currencies are normally referred to as sovereign bonds. The yield required by investors to loan funds to governments reflects inflation ex...
The Canada 10 Year Benchmark Bond Yield is the yield received for investing in a Canadian government issued bond with a maturity of 10 years. The 10 year benchmark bond yield is included on the long end of the yield curve. The yield of the 10 year bond is closely watched by central ba...
The central bank said in a press release that it is also ending reinvestment and will begin quantitative tightening (QT), effective April 25. Maturing Government of Canada bonds on the bank's balance sheet will no longer be replaced and, as a result, the size of the balance sheet will dec...
The bank said it will also be considering when to end the reinvestment phase and allow its holdings of Government of Canada bonds to begin to shrink. The resulting quantitative tightening (QT) would complement increases in the policy interest rate. ...
Interest on debt is now projected to rise from $54.9 billion in 2024-25 to $64.3 billion in 2028-29. It would remain relatively constant as a percentage of revenue, at 10.6% to 11.0%, over the same period, higher than in most similar countries. In the 2023 FES, the government set ...
A tax-free savings account (TFSA) is a registered account you can use to save or invest, without paying taxes on the earned interest or dividends. Since the federal government introduced TFSAs in 2009, the account quickly became popular with investors. More than half of Canadians (62%) ...
“Any broker can fill an order to buy stocks, exchange-traded funds, mutual funds, bonds and more. Qtrade helps you build a well-constructed portfolio and then monitor it to ensure it continues to work for you.” and,“They may be the king of steady year-by-year improvement.” I shoul...
“Any broker can fill an order to buy stocks, exchange-traded funds, mutual funds, bonds and more. Qtrade helps you build a well-constructed portfolio and then monitor it to ensure it continues to work for you.” and,“They may be the king of steady year-by-year improvement.” I shoul...
OTTAWA — One-third of Canada’s debt will be refinanced this year at elevated interest rates, a significant cost to taxpayers that Conservatives argue could have been avoided if the government had issued more of the country’s debt in the form of long-term bonds when rates were lower. ...