This paper presents an analysis of ignition and burn risk due to wildfire in a region of Ontario, Canada using a methodology which is applicable to the entire boreal forest region. A generalized additive model was employed to obtain ignition risk probabilities and a burn probability map using onl...
Detecting the effect of climate change on Canadian forest fires Source: American Geophysical Union (AGU) XYLEM PHENOLOGY UNDER CLIMATE WARMING Source: Wiley Climate Change, Spring Temperatures, and Timing of Breeding of Tree Swallows (Tachycineta Bicolor) in Southern Ontario ...
Gillett N, Weaver A, Zwiers F, Flannigan M (2004) Detecting the effect of climate change on Canadian forest fires. Geophysical Research Letters 31(18):L18211 CrossRef Goita K, Walker A, Goodison B (2003) Algorithm development for the estimation of snow water equivalent in the boreal fore...
Frequent forest fires occur in the NRB; the most significant recent events prior to 2015 occurred in 2010 in the Cheslatta Lake area (2916 km2 burned) and near Cut Off Creek in 2004 (104 km2 burned). Also, large areas of forest have been cleared for agricultural activity (Nener and ...
This company became known es Btidsh Columbia Forest Products and was seen followed by Dominion Stcres, Domtar, and Massey-Ferguson, again with the batk's backing. Taylor is quoted es saying: "A lot of people don't understend why I spread myself emcng eight or ten different businesses....
Fig. 1. a) Location of the two study sites characteristic of the forest-tundra ecotone between the Taiga Plains and Southern Arctic ecozones of northwestern Canada: b) Trail Valley Creek (TVC, mineral upland tundra) and c) Havikpak Creek (HPC, subarctic woodland). The backdrop map is the...
Figure 1. (A) Forest ecozone map for Canada showing the eight operational fire regions selected for the study. Four are located in the province of Alberta and four in Ontario. Close up of Alberta (B) and Ontario (C) regions showing all spring fires and location of weather stations used ...
The sector with oblique lines located close to the border with Ontario corresponds to the fire origin map created by Bergeron et al. [7]. The red dots indicate the clay deposit distribution (QMFFP forest maps) corresponding to Québec’s Clay Belt. The aim of this study is to explain ...
Machine learning algorithms allow extracting and interpreting RS data automatically and robustly to map wetlands and derive relevant information about the wetlands’ condition. For instance, Random Forest (RF) [42,43,44,45], Support Vector Machine (SVM) [46,47,48,49], Maximum Likelihood (ML) ...
Damage to buildings and infrastructure: This module generates a map of the estimated damage to each building during a given flood event. Figure 3 represents the flood risk map (combining hazard and vulnerability) simulated by the GARI tool for the municipality of Saint-André-Avellin, for a max...