As the prospect of Germany invading its neighbours grew in 1939, Canada expected to have a role in the resulting conflict. Unlike the onset of the First World War, when British dominions like Canada had been assumed to be included in the British declaration of belligerency against the Central...
A Lithuanian community size of that in Toronto warranted its own Lutheran church because while in today's Lithuania Lutherans make up merely 0,6% of the population, before World War 2 that percentage stood at 9%. Lutherans were especially targeted in the Soviet Genocide, however, so-much-so...
With Slovakia's declaration of independence and Germany's occupation of the Czech lands in March 1939, the Czechoslovak Consulate General in Montreal used its local diplomatic discretion in an attempt to unite Slovaks and Czechs as a "Czechoslovak" national community. However, although nationalist ...
Manitoba. [The New Canadian began publishing in 1939, in Vancouver. It was an English-language newspaper founded to be the voice of the Canadian-born Nisei (second-generation Japanese Canadians). After the
Keywords 1. Introduction 2. Perspectives on nationalization 3. Case study: The nationalization of the Trans Mountain Pipeline in Canada 4. Conclusions CRediT authorship contribution statement Declaration of Competing Interest Acknowledgements Funding ReferencesShow full outline Cited by (10) Figures (1)Ge...
At the age of 14 he took part in the 1939 Chess Olympiad in Buenos Aires, the last before the outbreak of the Second World War. In Buenos Aires he made a name for himself, among other things with a beautiful attacking game against the Peruvian Alberto Dulanto that way played in the ...
Events between 1939 and 1945 that touched Canada are evoked: Japanese-Canadian internment; the disastrous Dieppe Raid; the conscription crisis; and women in the wartime workforce. In this list of World War II touchstones, however, few would include the expansion of a hydroelectric producing network...