Because of the success of the FTA and NAFTA, Canada has sought to enter into similar agreements with other nations. It has started negotiations with nations including Costa Rica, Israel, and Singapore. In 1997, it initiated a version of the FTA with Chile. This agreement is designed to prepa...
In this paper, I examine three faith communities in the Americas that have been engaged in debates over trade policies, specifically NAFTA, CAFTA and CA4FTA. I find that the Catholic Church in Costa Rica, the Presbyterian Church in the USA, and Kairos, an ecumenical justice coalition in ...
In 1988, the economies of Canada and the United States became even more deeply intertwined when the governments of the two countries signed aFree Trade Agreement(FTA). The idea had been a controversial one in Canada for many years, with so-called "economic nationalists" arguing more trade with...
Take a Look Inside Customs Brokerage Customs brokerage can be complicated, but it does not have to be. Discover how DHL Global Forwarding takes the complexity out of Customs. Customer declaration details are available through myDHLi web portal. In addition, we offer flexible interfaces with custom...
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