If you can pay off your mortgage, do itEdith Lank
Maximize your vehicle tax write-off by learning how to deduct mileage on your taxes. The IRS allows deductions for business-related mileage. Understanding the rules, tracking your miles correctly, and calculating your deduction can lead to significant sa
The decision to pay off a mortgage is not as clear-cut as it may seem. Even if you can afford it, there are myriad factors to consider. Many of these will depend on the particulars of your financial situation. Each must be factored into the equation, and the return assumptions on payin...
Pay Off the Mortgage? Maybe Not: Do the math, and then decide how much debt you can stomach RETIRING YOUR HOME LOAN MAKES sense if your stomach churns at the idea of making payments into old age, or you aren't confident that you can get a return on your money that beats your ...
Whether to pay off your mortgage faster, is an important personal financial decision. But before one can answer “how do I do it,” you must first ask the questions of “can I do it” and “why should I do it.” The can-I part reveals if one has the financial ability toput more...
Whatever your motivation to refinance, start bycalculating your break-even point. From a financial standpoint, a refinance makes sense when the benefits outweigh the costs. » MORE:Is it a good time to refinance? How soon can you refinance a mortgage?
You can either repay your mortgage all at once or in equal-sized, small tranches. Repayment in a nutshell.
Mortgage Q&A: “How to pay off the mortgage early.” If you're looking to pay off your mortgage quickly, now might be a good time to do so because
Most lenders prefer you to continue paying your mortgage, as it’s easier for them in the long run. They are likely to be fairly reasonable and willing to come to an agreement where you pay off your arrears over a set period, perhaps 12 to 24 months. If you're unable to repay ...
How to use your super to pay off a mortgage Other ways to use super to buy property Should you use your super to pay off your mortgage? Imagine this: You’re sitting on the beach, sipping a margarita and watching the sunset. You’re carefree and relaxed because you know that yourmortg...