Yes, a minor scratch or abrasion can heal by itself. It's still a good idea to wash a scrape with soap and water or normal saline as described above. You should also monitor the area for two weeks for signs of infection, like redness, swelling, or discharge. Check your cat's...
a犬疫苗共打三针,第一针打完后15天打第二针,第二针打完后21天打第三针,第三针打完可同时打狂犬疫苗,每次打完疫苗一个星期之内不能给狗狗洗澡。(接种疫苗每针60元,狂犬疫苗每针60元。) The dog vaccine altogether gives three injections, the first needle hits latter 15 days to give the second injectio...
thoughitisnot .faithfulfluentfatefulfamous正确答案是:DHe withtheviewaroundassoonashewasatthetopofthehill.felluponfellinlovefellbehindfellin正确答案是:BTheperformancewassoboringthatsomeoftheaudience asleep.hadtookfellgot正确答案是:CThedogwentinthewaterandnowit'swet .alltherealloutalloverallthrough正确答案...
I am no seamstress, but no one would see the rough stitches I was hash-marking in the ripped lining of my husband’s coat pocket, through which he’d lost many things—money, keys, his phone. When I was nearly finished, I lost my needle. I’d set it down to adjust the coat on ...
Shame on you, and you, and you…. While things ended without a police report that day, for many other parents who dare to make a decision that others don’t agree with in this country, things don’t go that well. Like a Texas mother, who recently allowed her six year old outside ...
“OK Mum. I do deserve a good whipping, though. I thought you might not have the cane with you, so I thought we could use one of my riding crops instead. Let’s go into the living room, I’ve left my favourite crop in there.” ...
Coy-dog lifted a paw and twitched a tall ear. His mien was all apprehension. “No, I just, I don’t know… Why did you say ‘indeed?'” The deer turned back, half-lidded eyes under the shade of the foothills. She nibbled a columbine flower and said “why wouldn’t I?” ...
the of and to a in that is was he for it with as his on be at by i this had not are but from or have an they which one you were all her she there would their we him been has when who will no more if out so up said what its about than into them can only other time new...