This issue allows execute command illegally on survival multiplayer servers. Also, you can use open URL, display string when hover, chat insertion, change page on written book, etc. for survival tricks. However, I could not confirm whether ClickEvent works this way on signs. Since this is po...
Minecraft Java uses OpenGL for rendering, and AMD's OpenGL support on Windows has historically been... not good. Given that the devs states they test on a AMD+Linux config, give that a try, as the AMD OpenGL drivers on Linux are much, MUCH better in both speed and conformance. yita...
I have this old cpu/ram/mobo lying around and i was wondering if i could use it for anything. I think it would be fine for web browsing and light gaming, things like minecraft (java edition) or some less demanding indie games. i currently do not have pictures, ill edit them into the...
Another user on this device uses this Microsoft account, so you can't add it here Another user on this device uses this Microsoft account, so you can't add it here. Any chance to disable Clipboard User Service? Any gpo to remove wallpaper windows 10 ? Any idea how to solve this is...