The Public APIs repository is manually curated by community members like you and folks working at APILayer. It includes an extensive list of public APIs from many domains that you can use for your own products. Consider it a treasure trove of APIs well-managed by the community over the ...
webinar provides you with a sobering heads up. The free, virtual event is set for Wednesday, March 30, noon - 1 p.m. Participation will be limited to ensure an adequate and extensive Question and Answer session. Please RSVP at
Create Your Own Event– Consider pulling your own event together where you are the sole speaker or one of the speakers. Use EventBrite and Facebook to promote it. If you’re a missions pastor, how about a regional missions conference? If you’re a worship pastor, what about a worship ...
After an hour or so of comparing software platforms, I decided that I’d offer seats to a private Google Hangout, and I’d use Eventbrite to sell the tickets. This didn’t help my anxiety much, but at least I knew what I was going to be selling. Reverse-engineering success With that...