实在不行,找到C:\Daz 3D\scripts\support\DAZ\Daz to Blender.dsa, 双击它手动运行脚本。 然后Blender 也需要启动插件,在编辑-首选项-插件中搜索daz,然后启用即可。 导出模型的默认位置是C:\Users\你的用户名\Documents\DAZ 3D\Bridges\Daz To Blender\Exports,不过不用管。 2.导出 如下图选Daz to Blender导...
What happens if you go to your DIM installer, choose the "installed" tab, and right-click on the Daz To Blender field? It should give you an "installed files..." in the context menu, if you clicked that, you see the paths where the files where stored. Thats exactly what I did. ...
, scripting-informations. Most of this will be most likely engine specific, but at least the raw meshes will be usable. Once you have the meshes out of Unreal, every following stepp in Unity is like with exported meshes from Blender or DAZ3d, or whatever....