1. Clean your ears with alcohol A couple of minutes after getting your ears pierced, gently wipe the area around your ear with some alcohol to clean off any excess blood and crusties. This will help prevent infection. You should also clean your ears with alcohol every few hours for the ne...
Towards the end of the session, the programme director asked for my name after a brief exchange (which won me a bottle of alcohol, so point one for amawala). My name is Rebecca. Nobody calls me that. I go mostly by Becky. I have answered to Becky since I was a child and only ...
We bought comfortable masks (as you cant fly without them and each country has its own rules about when they need to be worn) and made sure our youngest son who is 8, although he didn’t legally have to, had practised wearing one as we wanted him to wear it for the whole flight. ...
Banks,an outspoken Trump supporter, decided this was her hill to die on. "As far as Rihanna (who isn't a citizen, and can't vote) and all the rest of the celebrities who are using their influence to stir the public, you lot really REALLY need to shut up and sit down," Banks wro...
giving someone a tiny amount of the same substance may cure his or her condition. Homeopathic preparations are made by repeatedly diluting substances in distilled water or alcohol, to the point where no molecules of the original substances remain. However, it is believed that the trace amounts ...