Can Stomatitis Be Prevented in Cats?There is no way to prevent stomatitis since the exact cause of the condition is largely unknown at this time. Suspected triggers that are thought to be involved include viruses, such as calicivirus, FeLV, and FIV, bacteria, inflammatory dental disease, such...
Cats are very smart. They are one of the smartest animals. The brain of a cat is large. It is highly developed. This may be why cats have good memories. Cats remember kindness and cruelty. It is a good idea to treat a cat well. Cats can “s
You have to give it to them in moderation, but a little bit of dairy is fine for your dog to eat—assuming that they’re not lactose intolerant, of course. Whether it’s a small piece of cheese or a teaspoon of plain yogurt, you can give it to your pup as a treat every now and...
Hi, I have a special-needs 6 year old cat that was born with a neurological disorder, blind, & has had kidney disease since he was a baby. He had his 1st seizur...
If you don't want to go to a vet clinic to buy them or have your sim make them and you don't mind using cheats, you could use the bb.showhiddenobjects cheat and then search for "wellness treat" in BuildBuy. You may also want to filter by the Cats & Dogs pack t...
If humans can eat crackers, how about cats? Crackers are well known for their high salt and carbohydrate content. So, can cats eat crackers?Plain crackers are not toxic to cats, but that doesn’t mean you should feed crackers to them. Crackers are not considered a healthy treat for your...
Before you can treat a cat nose injury, you need to restrain your feline friend to ensure uninterrupted access to the wound. Some cats will calmly allow you to administer first aid, but others may lash out or struggle to get away, especially if they are in pain or scared from the event...
“There are a lot of ways you can treat your pet to a high-quality diet that doesn’t have to be as expensive as doing something like a raw food diet and the amount of money that takes,” Marques said. “If this was a human child, we would want to … give...
Avoid foods notoriously high in phosphorus and protein: most meats, jerky treats,bully sticks, rawhides, pig ears, antlers and real bones. To stimulate dogs' appetites, you can add sweet items like maple syrup or honey – make sure to incorporate these calories into treat allowances. ...
Can cats get eating disorders? Is anorexia an eating disorder? Is binge eating an eating disorder? Can overeating be an eating disorder? What general methods are used to treat eating disorders? What causes binge eating disorder? Are eating disorders a mental or physical illness?