Constipation happens when you don't go to the bathroom regularly or have trouble passing poop. Normally, people go to the bathroom one or twice a day, but with constipation, you might only go three times a week or even less. Some common signs of constipation include: 1. Hard or Lumpy ...
“If fluids and fiber don’t work, you can try an over-the-counter stool softener like Colace or a stimulant laxative like Senna,” he says. “One regimen that a lot of my patients with constipation like is Colace daily with Miralax every other day.” Of course, it’s important to ta...
If you often have trouble making bowel movements and have to take laxatives (drugs that help you go) on a regular basis, you could one day have a serious bowel problem calledfecal impaction. A fecal impaction is a large, hard mass of stool that gets stuck so badly in your colon or rec...
Inactivity: You don’t need to spend hours working out every single day. Just focus on squeezing in physical movement where you can, especially if constipation has become your norm. When you slow down for too long, so does your digestion. Even taking a daily walk can help. Medications: Co...
the daily diet (type of milk, weaning age, use of fecal softeners), the use of suppositories or anal stimulation. Then, the patient had a careful general clinical examination, with the particular evaluation of the abdomen and the anorectal region to exclude malformations involving this district ...
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Your doctor might give you a stool softener such as Colace to take during the first week postpartum. Suppositories These can be useful if you’re constipated. What Do You Put In A Postpartum Care Package? If you’re planning on giving a postpartum care package as a gift for a new mom...