If someone accuses you of committing some type of misconduct (theft, tardiness, harassment, etc.),your employer can terminate you based on that accusation, whether or not it's true. It doesn't matter who the accuser is or if she or he has a reputation for not telling the truth. What ...
Another option is tocontact a private employment attorney. These lawyers can take civil action against an employer, which could lead to changes in the workplace as well as monetary restitution. Some attorneys may offer free consultations and work on a contingency basis, so you may not have upf...
Can I sue a credit collection agency for harassment for continuing to pursue an old debt that is past its statute of limitations? Will a creditor report an unpaid debt and then also sue me for it later? If so, how long will the creditor wait bef...
While more employers have been hesitant to regulate jokes in the workplace because they do not want to be perceived as humorless, jokes can be considered offensive and even be a potential form of sexual harassment. This article examines the pervasive "dumb blonde" jokes in organizations, and ...
CONFIRMED BY ILL. SUPREME COURT-- YOU ARE VIEWING THE MOST DANGEROUS BLOG IN ILLINOIS. This blog warranted a 3 year suspension by the ARDC/Jerome Larkin! Mottos: "Sunlight is the best disinfectant". Justice Louis Brandeis ; "If the truth can destroy
In an emailed statement to New Jersey, Dillon Resiman, staff attorney for the New Jersey chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, said young people rely on social media to participate in their communities, connect with peers, and express themselves"...
Although the district did not admit fault, it acknowledged the family’s grievances and agreed to take steps to prevent future cases. This included introducing policies to monitor and document bullying and improving support for students who face harassment. ...
Lean in, Prime Minister, and show us that women and their stories matter – especially those who have survived abuse and harassment. The ACT Greens MLAs have written a joint letter to Prime Minister Scott Morrison calling for an independent inquiry into the allegations made against Attorney...
Debt collectors cannot threaten to take actions that are illegal or that they do not intend to follow through on. For instance,can a debt collector sue youor threaten to sue you? They can, but they cannot do things like threaten to garnish your wages without obtaining a court judgment, nor...
Attorney’s Fees Under The FCRA Under the FCRA, you do not have to pay attorney’s fees and costs. The FCRA requires the tenant screening company to pay your attorney’s fees and costs. Therefore, regardless of the outcome, you will not have to pay attorney’s and costs to bring a la...