Other than that, Epsom salt soak, arnica oil, Advil and chocolate milk was the day’s protocol for healing. Beer and Burger (and salad) helped also. I also was able to catch up (a bit) on this blog, especially loading pictures. I mostly stayed off my feet…and ate. I can’t ...
Soaking the foot in hot water might open the hole a little, helping your body as it tries to expel the foreign body. Soak your foot for at least 20 minutes several times a day. After a day, if the glass isn't out, it's time for further measures. What to do if you can't get ...
Straining to pass stool can open vaginal tears and episiotomy. Your doctor might give you a stool softener like Colace to take during the first week postpartum. Epsom Salt Dr Teal’s Pure Epsom Salt Soak You can add one cup of Epsom salt to your sitz bath to help soothe the aches and...
In short, just as summer can return you to your youth and fond memories of long vacations, so the Eco-Zilla can return you to a time when you didn’t have to be Henry Graves to have a great watch. The Master Collection Now, you might expect an event as grand as a 190th anniversar...
Cleared mine up in two days. It even helps with the pain! You may have to do this for a couple night, but it’s really worth it! Byanon10975— On Apr 06, 2008 I think i might have a boil..It's red and it's right at the top of my butt..It hurts soo bad to where I c...