Apprise - Apprise allows you to send a notification to almost all of the most popular notification services available to us today such as: Telegram, Discord, Slack, Amazon SNS, Gotify, etc. MIT Python/Docker BluetoothCommunicatorExample - Bluetooth LE chat app to communicate between android device...
I am on Conduit server. I also have sliding sync running on the server. I am in more than 200 rooms. Few of the rooms are bigger groups. But most of them are bridged DM rooms. I use Mautrix Discord (no guild bridged, only DMs), Mautrix Telegram, Mautrix Whatsapp, Mautrix Meta...
I'm not talking here officially for Kenzerco but my personal feeling is that the "rescued" DVD of the three episodes which Ben Dobyns of ZOE, pulled together on his own time and dime) closed the book on this film project. Well, for me personally....
Apprise - Apprise allows you to send a notification to almost all of the most popular notification services available to us today such as: Telegram, Discord, Slack, Amazon SNS, Gotify, etc. MIT Python/Docker BluetoothCommunicatorExample - Bluetooth LE chat app to communicate between android device...
Apprise - Apprise allows you to send a notification to almost all of the most popular notification services available to us today such as: Telegram, Discord, Slack, Amazon SNS, Gotify, etc. MIT Python/Docker BluetoothCommunicatorExample - Bluetooth LE chat app to communicate between android device...
Tailchat - Next generation noIM application in your own workspace, not only another Slack/Discord/ (Demo, Source Code) Apache-2.0 Docker TextBelt ⚠ - Outgoing SMS API that uses carrier-specific gateways to deliver your text messages for free, and without ads. MIT Javascript Til...
Apprise - Apprise allows you to send a notification to almost all of the most popular notification services available to us today such as: Telegram, Discord, Slack, Amazon SNS, Gotify, etc. MIT Python/Docker BluetoothCommunicatorExample - Bluetooth LE chat app to communicate between android device...