Without proper treatment, pain and stiffness from knee arthritis can get worse with time and keep you from doing what you love. But when you think of knee arthritis treatment, you might think of knee replacement surgery. While many people can benefit from a joint replacement, surgery isn’t ...
Arthritis of the knee often presents with pain, loss of motion, and swelling. While the causes are many, the most common—post-traumatic arthritis—involves a past injury. Years ago, there was damage to the meniscus (which acts as a shock absorber) and the knee, which gradually wore off ...
doi:10.1097/bpo.0000000000000883Eduard TorneroJosep Maria De Bergua-DomingoPedro DomenechFrancisco SoldadoFerran TornerJuan CastellanosAlex SorianoJorge KnrrJ Pediatr Orthop
There are plenty of ways to stay in shape, even with a bum knee, and the most important thing to remember during this time is to think about all of the activities youcando, as opposed to the ones you can’t. This is a lot likerunning with arthritis. We’re focused on some key el...
A Louisville, Colorado, company is studying whether cells taken from patients' fat could reduce knee pain and improve motion in people with arthritis. Ad GID BIO is conducting a Phase III trial of a process that extracts fat from the patient, uses a chemical reaction to isolate cells believed...
Knee and hip osteoarthritis are of particular concern here. A study published in the journalArthritis Care and Researchfound that the risk of a senior falling was measurably higher, depending on the number of symptomatic lower limb joints. With a single symptomatic joint, the risk was measured at...
While some who have arthritis in their knees are still able to run, experts say it’s important to talk with a physician about any existing knee issues to determine what’s safe, including when walking might be more appropriate. Next:Take a joint ride. 7/11 Credit Take a joint ride. ...
You May Also Like:Prevent Running Injuries Miscellaneous Conditions of the Extremities The following conditions may disqualify you for military service: a. Arthritis. (1) Active, subacute or chronic arthritis. (2) Chronic osteoarthritis or traumatic arthritis of isolated joints of more than a minimal...
Thanks to curcumin’s potent anti-inflammatory properties, research has shown that it may be a safe and effective complementary approach for people withosteoarthritis. One meta-analysis of patients diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis that included 23 studies from seven countries found that curcumin, eithe...
People with multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, arthritis, fibromyalgia, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy to name a few, will benefit significantly from The TubcuT®. For accident victims, anyone in chronic pain, people with knee or hip replacements or any neuro-muscular disease...