Throught the years I have freed clients from pretty awful curses, and set their lives back on the road to recovery, including resolving some health problems that had left their doctors scratching their heads. If you feel like your life is nothing but a series of unfortunate events, I can h...
With numerous designs and features to choose from, you can find a mouse pad that not only meets your practical needs but also reflects your passion for technology. Whether you’re looking for a high-performance gaming surface, a durable and aesthetic addition to your desk, or a stylish conver...
Thinking strategically means that you can plan and determine how you are going to respond to different situations like rising concerns, movements in your team and chances for advancement. Every leader will indeed be different but there is still a need for leaders to have a strategy. Online leade...
and that can happen if we don’t know how to respond to a child’s challenging behaviour, to their tears and upsets, to their struggles and feelings and needs as a growing child. There’s also the need to recognise how our own childhood experiences profoundly affect the way we respond as...
There are most likely icons available for your needs, but that are called (in English only) with a different word than the one you would think about first. The Font Awesome 5 free icons list is huge and will most likely fit most of your design needs! Quick access to the list of Font...
To which, I respond, "okay I would use counterspell when I see the naga casting a spell in front of me though." The DM claimed I should have used counterspell earlier. Considering that I could see the creature, am I correct in assuming there should have been a de...
If you were already worried about losing your job due to COVID-19 restrictions, then being discovered by a stalker could spell disaster. What's worse is that this type of tracking could affect you for years to come. Once you shared your contact information with someone, they could easily ...
CONFIRMED BY ILL. SUPREME COURT-- YOU ARE VIEWING THE MOST DANGEROUS BLOG IN ILLINOIS. This blog warranted a 3 year suspension by the ARDC/Jerome Larkin! Mottos: "Sunlight is the best disinfectant". Justice Louis Brandeis ; "If the truth can destroy