How is Ivermectin thought to work on COVID-19? For the SARS-CoV-2 virus to make you sick, it has to first infect your cells. Then while inside the cell, the virus makes heaps of copies of itself, so it can spread around your body. ...
If your symptoms are very mild, or even without fever, you will not be given the treatment for COVID-19. You will go home with cold pills. Do you really think it's worth the trip? Remember, the severe pneumonia caused by COVID-19 has a characteristic feature: dyspnea. This is a ve...
A veterinarian in Thailand was diagnosed with COVID-19 in August 2021, after being sneezed on by an infected cat owned by a patient who had tested positive for the virus, he said. Genetic analysis showed that the virus was transmitted from the cat owner to the pet...
What should you do if you have confirmed or suspected COVID-19 and have a pet? If you have symptoms of COVID-19, get somebody else in your household to look after your pet and avoid touching or being close to your pet. If you have to look after your pet yourself: Wear a face mas...
"The immune system recognizes the virus you're infected with and tries to find a challenge to it in order to clear the body of this infection. If the virus mutates very fast the next time it infects you, the immune system might not be capable of recognizing...
WASHINGTON - Sensory symptoms, including loss of taste and smell, sometimes come with COVID-19, but a new study found that COVID-19 can also infect inner ear cells, causing hearing and balance issues in some COVID-19 patients. In the study, published Oct. 29, researchers at MIT ...
The virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, can directly infect a specialized type of kidney cell. The discovery helps explain why acute kidney injury is one of the main complications observed in patients with severe COVID-19, according to biomedical engineers and virologists at Duke Universi...
Public health officials say they are still studying COVID-19 but it appears that humans can pass it to pets, although it's not as likely that pets can pass it to humans. By understanding how coronavirus spreads, you can take the right steps so you don't get sick and infect others. (...
Can people with asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic COVID-19 infect others: a systematic review of primary datadoi:10.1101/2020.04.08.20054023Aguirre-Duarte NCold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Public health officials say they are still studying COVID-19 but it appears that humans can pass it to pets, although it's not as likely that pets can pass it to humans. By understanding how coronavirus spreads, you can take the right steps so you don't get sick and infect others. (...