We finally got permission from the Dept of Forestry to have our street-side tree on the lot next door taken door, which is a relief as it had a very large dead bow over the street we feared might crush a car (or person!) in our next heavy wind storm. The trunk and limbs were ch...
A beautiful outdoor clock can give you happiness, but not money. But as a possible clock fortune, you are ready to sacrifice your people to make them happy. In the new version of the first professional course, you will start Super on Wednesday. Honey may have a unique oxidation process f...
So put on a smile, You'll live through your pain. Know it will pass, And strength you will gain 永不放弃 , 永不心灰意冷 . 永存信念 , 它会使你应付自如 . 难捱的时光终将过去 , 一如既往 . 只要有耐心 , 梦想就会成真 . 露出微笑 , 你会走出痛苦 . 相信苦难定会过去 , 你将重获力量 ...
Twelve months ago I was put in charge of a top secret project. 库可夫:Whatever it is…it is too late. 查丹科:With respect, General…you are wrong. 查丹科:Please. For you see sir, time is on our side. 泽林斯基:No…No, no, no it isn’t ready! It hasn’t been tested! We don...
Don’t just vent–request info. Politely ask for a response from the Congressperson. Keep asking until you get an answer. I call once a week–Thursday afternoons. Set an alarm on your phone! Put aside a time to do it so you know you will get it done. You’ll feel so good when ...
Buildkite emoji will be shown on both light or dark backgrounds, and at a small size. Try to follow the guidelines below to make sure your emoji looks the best it can ✨ Emoji Reference Buildkite EmojiAliases :octopus-deploy: :mpi: :snyk: :nextjs: :pnpm: :solhint: :pre-commit: :git...
Don't worry, I got them coming, but how much would it suck if you spent the past bunch of lessons making sure everything was absolutely perfect in quality just to mess up a little bit and overlook an export setting, and you put it out to the Internet. I'm going to make sure it ...
As the world economy hits limits, we cannot assume that the money we have in the bank will really be able to purchase the goods we want in the future. The goods may not be available to purchase, or the government may put a restriction (such as $2...
a pattern online or from a craft/fabric store, source some unique fabrics, and use a sewing machine to put it all together. Take a look at businesses likeCursor & ThreadandFitzythat specialize in accessories like bow ties to see what’s on the market and how consumers are responding to ...
Now, some people point to Infinity as sensible - but they are considered overly sexualized by others still (very little effort searching can find examples of people freaking out over a belly button being exposed). No matter what is done, if there is a female in miniature - who is ...