During your period, yourcervixnormally sits a little lower in your vagina (1,7), which may affect how different sex positions feel. Being open with your sexual partner and communicating what feels good is key to hitting that sweet spot, whether you’re having sex on or off your period. ...
. The second set of pills, called misoprostol, causes your cervix to soften and dilate and your uterus to contract, which expels the pregnancy. If you’re 9 weeks or less, you can take the misoprostol by mouth or vaginally right after you take the mifepristone. If you’re more than 9...
Women also have different pain responses during different parts of the insertion process. For some, the worst is the speculum insertion. For others, it’s the tenaculum biting down on their cervix. But most find the actual device insertion the most painful. So upgrading one tool is not a ...
The 4 stages of labor are: dilation of the cervix, delivery of the baby, afterbirth, and recovery. Learn more about what to expect during each stage. Why Do Doctors Tell You Not to Push During Labor? Labor is the process that prepares a woman to deliver her baby into the world. Doctor...
engineering, who was studying ways to use quantitative ultrasound data inhealth research. Together, over the past 22 years, they established that quantitative ultrasound could detect changes in the cervix and, as McFarlin had suspected long ago, that those changes help predict the risk of preterm...
Medical definition: the thinning of the cervix in preparation for birth, it is expressed in percentages. 100% effacement is when a woman will begin pushing. Sounds like Voldemort’s face is manifesting in the interior of the womb or something. Creepy! The regular definition is “to rub or ...
I’m 25 and never had one of these perverted tests, but I always thought that they were just used to screen for cancer and other abnormalities in the cervix. What if the infection is not even in your cervix? Are your doctors THAT dumb?! Are you sure this isn’t a UTI? They can...
Full term was the ultimate goal for this pregnancy, but in all honesty, I just wanted to make it past 29 weeks (which is when I delivered our daughter). I kept telling myself that all of my anxiety would lift after I hit this milestone. But it didn’t. At that point my anxiety ...