Preview and summarize: Before moving to a new topic, briefly recap what you’ve covered and preview what’s next. For example, if you’re shifting from workplace productivity to stress management, you might say,“We’ve talked about boosting productivity; now let’s see how managing stress ...
Mojeek - A growing independent search engine which does not track you. - Search the Web by searching the best engines from one place. SurfCanyon - a real-time contextual search technology that observes user behavior in order to disambiguate intent "on the fly," and then automatical...
you'll know the annoyance of trying to send a message while your connection keeps dropping out. Fortunately, Microsoft wants to fix this by allowing Teams to queue up all of the messages you've typed while offline and automatically send them when you get your internet connection...
You can take two paths with this, either get a feel of all the platforms out there and present yourself as a generalist or dig really deep into just one, like LinkedIn or TikTok and become one of the go-to pros on that platform. Social media is becoming increasingly important, and brand...
Following the uproarsurrounding the show’s finale, David Chase (headwriter and executive producer) explained toThe Hollywood Reporter: “Tony was dealing in mortality every day. He was dishing out life and death. And he was not happy. All I wanted to do was present the idea of how short...
3. Pixlr and Canva Many users who flock to Chrome OS find that there are no good options forphoto editing.However, things have changed quite rapidly in this department. You can now do some great photo editing with all the essential tools on Pixlr.The new beta editor of Pixlr is even bet...
(Image: When your computer can't get an IP address any other way, it assigns itself a 169.254 IP address. It's a sure sign of a problem. Question:My computer’s IP address was 192.168.x.xx, and somehow it was changed to something beginning with 169.254. Because of this,...