Home section: In Link widgets using the Small Carousel template, fixed an issue that could cause a background image displayed where it shouldn't. #BUG FIX #IOS Checkout page: Fixed an issue that could cause the page to be displayed with the wrong background color. #BUG FIX #IOS Rele...
You can choose to embed a feed of your Facebook posts so your site visitors can see it when they check out your website. When you display a Facebook feed of your posts on your site, you can cross-promote your articles by sharing your blog post links on Facebook and on your homepage...
Hi Harun, thank you for your reply. I have explained below what I am trying to achieve and I would appreciate your assistance in being able to write the required formula. I have attached the spreadsheet I am working on. The overall objective is to calculate the brokerage percentage in cell...
Want to know the best way to embed an Instagram carousel feed on your website using simple steps? Learn more by following this newbie-friendly tutorial on how to add an Instagram slideshow widget to WordPress. 4. Instagram Feed Widget: Sidebar Another great Instagram feed example for you to ...
Hi All, Want to check if some users from our company dont have any license, but they have Azure AD Account, can they access Sharepoint Online? what is the limitation? Thanks Lin Kang SharePoint Online Copper Contributor Jan 31, 2023 ...
With Excel open to a workbook. If I click on "Help" in the upper ribbon, and then click on one of the items above in subject line; I get "Sorry,...
akiran/react-slick - React carousel component eslint-community/eslint-plugin-security - ESLint rules for Node Security filecoin-project/slate - WIP - We're building the place you go to discover, share, and sell files on the web. transitive-bullshit/react-before-after-slider - A sexy ima...
Can I disable the passcode function when setting up a meeting in Teams? Can I disable the passcode function when setting up a meeting in Teams?
Thank you! That solved it! It seems like uploading the edge.admx and .adml files as they are might cause confusion due to duplicates appearing in the Intune menu... In that case, I wonder if editing the admx file would be the solution?