Rust Python Shell Go HTML PHP Vue C# miscellaneous Swift Ruby Zig Dockerfile C++ CSS Starlark Nix V Clojure CoffeeScript WebAssembly SCSS Assembly C Java Less Nim Makefile JSON Haskell Common Lisp Markdown Dart OCaml Julia Objective-C MDX Lua Reason Roff OpenEdge ABL Scheme Vim script Perl Jup...
μCaster (mucaster) Once completed, μCaster is a cross-platform Chromecast controller that can play files directly from a host computer. This project i 4Oct 10, 2022 Yet another video to ASCII animation (in Rust) Yet another video to ASCII tool (in Rust) Requirements opencv Installation car...
8.A container of"museum gel"because it'll come in handy when your feline decides to climb on your coffee table or bookshelf where you keep delicate collectibles. It'll securely hold crystal and glass objects in place, so they don't get knocked down. ...