Unless Sony and Microsoft want to completely upend the way that their console ecosystems function, it’s probable that consumers will be faced with two options: either purchase a home console to play games on the big screen, or opt for a handheld device to play them on ...
While larger triple-A games designed for the big screen aren’t available to play on the device, this smaller size and traditional controls on the side brings back a more classic gaming experience, or one that might be similar to playing on a Gameboy or even a Nintendo DS. Titles from ...
An all in one retro games emulator. Huge kudos to the developer for making the lives of ardent game players easy. To begin with, the emulator supports eight different types of emulators including Play Station 1, Nintendo 64, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Classics, Gameboy Color, NES. Sega Genesis ...
The Switch didn't really interest me until the Lite, as if I'm gaming on TV I tend to want a more powerful console and as a handheld I thought it was a bit oversized and had no d-pad as standard, and I enjoy a lot of retro games. The Lite really sold...
Nintendo's profits aren't high because consumers aren't going to keep buying the same hardware over and over again just because its a little thinner (see Gameboy to Game boy Pocket, Game boy Pocket to Game Boy Color, then switches to GBA to GBA SP, then DS to DSLite, DSLit...